Midterm Review 1
Welcome to our FIFTH skill based Module in our CannaCareers Program, a Midterm Review. Don't worry there is no actual test or midterm.
Instead, we'll be going over the following prior modules:
Module 1: Working In Compliance
Module 2: Working In Cultivation
Module 3: Working In Retail
Module 4: Working in Manufacturing (Infusion)
In this session, with the help of our past speakers, industry experts and women of color Dionne Carroll, Meaka Brown, and Ashley Boucher, we share insights, advice, and experiences working and hiring in the cannabis industry, so you can do it, too!
Learn the ropes of Cannabis from POC experts who've walked the path already.
Speaker Info:
Dionne Carroll, Engineer, Independent Consultant
Contact Information: LinkedIn Profile
Meaka Brown-Corea, General Manager, Mellow Fellows, and Founder of Babes Handmade
Contact Information: @babeshandmade
Facilitator Info:
Ashley Boucher, Founder, Quality Control Analytics
Contact Information: www.qualitycontrolanalytics.com