Working in Retail
This module is the one for you if you've ever wanted to work at a cannabis dispensary!
Our Operations Lead, Sammie Nitiutomo, will be joined by Meaka Brown of Babes Handmade, an all-natural bespoke self-care brand, and JungleCae, The Potanist.
Meeka and Cae share their insights having worked at dispensaries, relay their experiences, and the transferable skills you'll need to be successfully prepared for a retail position in the Cannabis industry.
Speaker Info:
Jungle Cae, The Potanist
Contact Information: @junglecae
Meaka Brown-Corea, General Manager, Mellow Fellows, and Founder of Babes Handmade
Contact Information: @babeshandmade
Facilitator Info:
Samantha Nitiutomo, Operations Lead, WOCC
Contact Information: @slnconsulting